Where in the World is our OBR, Will? - Sailors for the Sea

Where in the World is our OBR, Will?

 December 15, 2016  | By: Oceana

William Harnisch is Sailors for the Sea’s Onboard Reporter for the Sea Education Association (SEA) S-270 class. He’s been sailing on the tall ship SSV Robert C. Seamans in the Southern Pacific offshore New Zealand since mid-November. Check out updates from his journey:

Pre-Departure Report

survival suits, sailing, adventure

You don’t think that survival suits are funny until you and your friends, not just classmates, have to put them on in a non-threatening situation.

The Beginning of Will’s Grand Adventure

New Zealand, tall ships, onboard reporter, sailing

This morning we sailed out of a beautiful bay named Whangamumu at first light and I was at the helm. During the best sunrise of my life I thought back on this first week aboard the SSV Robert C. Seamans. New family, new home, new life (for now) and our first look at the various duties aboard the ship while at sea. 

Life on a Tall Ship

New Zealand, onboard reporter, tall ships, sailing

One of my favorite things about this trip is PTT or poetry time. It occurs at sunset and anyone who wants to share literature of any kind or just listen is welcome! Life without all the normal stresses and connections of the mainland makes you slow down and get deep.

Create Your Own Holiday

sailing, tall ships

Sometimes on the ship we create our own holiday that we believe should be instituted; for instance, Stache Wednesday. This should be worldwide to bring joy to all. 

Port Stop

New Zealand, beaches, sailing

A few days on land is a great reminder of how incredible our oceans are and that tractor rides to Gannet Rookeries are quite fun. More than happy to be underway to Auckland rocking and rolling with the Seamans crew on 12-14 foot seas!

Read Will’s first blog post >>

In collaboration with Sea Education Association (SEA), Sailors for the Sea is offering an award for a SEA Semester student to become an Onboard Reporter. SEA is an internationally recognized leader in undergraduate ocean education through their study abroad program. As a recipient of the new Sailors for the Sea Onboard Reporter award, William Harnisch is chronicling ocean health issues observed during his voyage aboard the SSV Robert C. Seamans, one of SEA’s tall sailing ship research vessels, off the coast of New Zealand. William is a University of Rhode Island undergraduate student currently studying off campus with SEA Semester’s Ocean Exploration program in fall term 2016. This program gives undergraduates of all majors the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of our world’s oceans.