We want you! - Sailors for the Sea

We want you!

 April 27, 2015  | By: Oceana

Give us 3 hours of your time and we’ll give you access to the World’s Most Grueling Ocean Race!

The only North American Stopover of the Volvo Ocean Race is in Newport, RI from May 5-17.  We need a bunch volunteers to help us run our education exhibit that features interactive videos about ocean acidification, a coral reef tunnel and a SCUBA gear try-on area! (It’s so cool!) We’ve also got a photo booth with a coral reef and shark background! Get ready to shoot a Selfie!
We’ve got flexible schedules for weekdays and weekends, and if you could do two or more 3-hour shifts that would be even better, they don’t have to be on the same day. By volunteering you get a custom designed limited edition t-shirt, free water taxi rides from downtown Newport, and other awesome perks!

Don’t miss out! Click here for the full volunteer description and contact our education director, Shelley Brown to sign up today!

For more information about the Volvo Ocean Race and all of the events happening at Fort Adams visit volvooceanracenewport.com.