Clean Regattas Update - Sailors for the Sea

Clean Regattas Update

 April 9, 2015  | By: Oceana

The Clean Regattas program is off to a great start with many regattas from all around the world have helped us kick off the 9th year of the program!

Regatta organizers have been sharing with us why they chose to be part of the program, and sharing advice on how they made changes to their events.

“Sailing, a sport loved by many for its simple combination of boat, wind and water, easily becomes a threat to the ocean once ‘trash’ is added into the mix. As we noticed a lack of awareness in Hong Kong, change in the environmental mentality of our sailing community became imperative.” Sofia-Marie Mascia, Hong Kong Race Week

“I think working with the young kids and the [St. Thomas International Optimist Regatta] has been a message to us older folks who didn’t grow up in the same environment they’re growing up in. Whereas we didn’t use to worry about the environment, we’re all being educated through the young sailors. They’re so cautious that it rubs off on us.” Bill Canfield, St. Thomas International Regatta

“During WesMex I believe that one of the most important environmental practices we made was to do all the registration online, as well as all the Notices and documents. We really didn’t print almost anything! We have available computers at the club so when anybody wanted to check info with more detail they could go to the computers or the Notice Board. We only gave sailing instructions to those coaches who asked for them (few did) and the ONLINE registration was truly a Bliss for all the regatta managing and of course, for mother earth.” Ibis De Teresa, WesMex International Small Boat Regatta

(Check out our newest partner Yacht Scoring for easy, online regatta management.)

Don’t forget to REGISTER your 2015 sailing event or your entire season!