Ocean Watch Magazine - Sailors for the Sea

Ocean Watch Magazine

 March 6, 2015  | By: Oceana

Sailors for the Sea’s first magazine is now available to be read online or downloaded to your tablet or smartphone. Ocean Watch was created to tell the story of ocean health and interpret regulatory issues by outlining what these topics mean for the boating community.

The magazine pairs notable authors with amazing photographs for a stunning update on the state of environmental issues affecting the ocean. Through Ocean Watch we hope boaters will find a deeper connection to the water, making its health personal and relevant. A “take action” section accompanies each article, giving readers tangible steps to protect the ocean giving a message of hope and empowerment.

So what are you waiting for, dive into the ocean from the comfort of your couch! http://issuu.com/sailorsforthesea/docs/ocean_watch_magazine_2014

What people are saying about Ocean Watch Magazine

“Sailors for the Sea recently launched an annual Ocean Watch Magazinea collection of articles that have appeared on their main website in recent months. The range and quality of the work is excellent and, most importantly, each article includes a “Take Action” section to help readers ‘translate their knowledge into tangible steps that will protect the ocean.’ Have a look.” – Doug Logan, Boats.com

“It is really spectacular to see this superb set of articles gathered together to educate boaters about the need to protect the ocean.” – Dr. Larry McKinney, Executive Director, Heart Research Institute

“I am thrilled to release the first edition of Ocean Watch Magazine. We have been honored to work with a great depth of talented authors and we are proud to showcase their work in this stunning publication.” – R. Mark Davis, president of Sailors for the Sea.