Green shopping trip! - Sailors for the Sea

Green shopping trip!

 September 24, 2013  | By: Oceana

With what has to be the final days of the America’s Cup, we found some time to head over to the souvenir store! Both Puma and the America’s Cup park store took sustainability into consideration in the creation of their products and displays. 

Here are some of the highlights: 
Cardboard hangers: Temporarily reusable for the event and easily recycled afterwards! 
Puma cardboard hangers
Plastic free tags: This may seem simple, but when on a large scale it greatly reduces plastic waste. There is really no reason to make something that is supposed to be thrown away out of a material that lasts forever! 
Plastic Free hang tags
Plastic bag recycling: Something you don’t often see in stores, Puma highlighted the plastic bags their clothes are shipped in and will be turning them back into benches for the people of San Francisco. 
Puma bag recycling
RPET clothing: Some of the clothing available was made from recycled water bottles! Giving consumers a choice to purchase eco-friendly souvenirs. 
Recycled water bottle clothing

These small steps all add up and greatly reduce the amount of waste at the America’s Cup, helping reach the Clean Regatta Best Practice of  Waste Reduction!