Healthy Oceans Project Day - Sailors for the Sea

Healthy Oceans Project Day

 October 5, 2012  | By: Oceana

This morning at the America’s Cup World Series in San Francisco ocean health was in the spotlight with two exciting activities run by the America’s Cup Healthy Oceans Project. (ACHOP)

The conservation activity team! Photo by Franny Kupersmith
Sailors for the Sea staff raking mulch. Photo by Franny Kupersmith
The conservation activity involved team members, staff, and ACHOP members visiting Fort Mason one of the historical parks within the Golden Gates National Park Service. The conservation activity helped prevent runoff by adding mulch to the grounds of the park. The mulch helps absorb rain water, and reduces chemicals that might runoff into the bay. The group helped accomplish about 2 weeks worth of work during the hour and half of lending a hand.
Also a public lecture was held for all those who wanted to attend. Dr. Sylvia Earle spoke about the immediate importance of protecting the ocean. She highlighted the the proposed expansion of Golden Gate National Marine Sanctuary in San Francisco Bay. Lecture attendees were invited to sign a petition to help bring this to fruition. Learn more about the expansion here.
Member of Team Prada helping out at Fort Mason. Photo by Franny Kupersmith