Clean Regattas program enters its 7th season - Sailors for the Sea

Clean Regattas program enters its 7th season

 March 15, 2012  | By: Oceana

2 weeks into March the 7th year of Clean Regattas is well underway with 60 regattas committed to Clean Regattas certification and four programs running their entire season as Clean Regattas. See the full list here.

“By making the Clean Regattas Pledge, regattas, yacht clubs, and sailing programs commit to protecting the ocean and local waters, and working to achieve higher environmental standards,” said Annie Brett, program lead, Sailors for the Sea. “Participants vow to fulfill, and encourage others to fulfill, the goals and requirements of the program. The program’s growth mirrors the interest among sailors to protect waters for the use and enjoyment of this and future generations.”

In the seven years since its inception, the Clean Regattas program has grown from five to over 150 events in 2011. Clean Regattas program participants include over 40 repeat events and some of the world’s most well-known regattas – 32nd St. Maarten Heineken Regatta, America’s Cup World Series, Newport Bermuda Race, The Atlantic Cup, and Chicago Match Race Center – pledging their support to protect ocean health and improving their environmental practices.

To participate in the Clean Regattas program, regatta organizers commit to carrying out at least one Best Practice. With three levels of certification, participants select their level of engagement, and work to fulfill the related certification requirements, five for Bronze, 10 for Silver, 15 for Gold. Register your event today.

Share with us: What is the best practice you have seen at a regatta to reduce it’s impact on the environment?