Notes from the World Oceans Summit - Sailors for the Sea

Notes from the World Oceans Summit

 February 23, 2012  | By: Oceana

A few quick notes from Dan Pingaro, executive director of Sailors for the Sea, while attending The Economist Magazine World Oceans Summit.

The Economist Magazine World Ocean Summit brought together NGO’s, companies and governments to address ocean issues and possible collaborative solutions to support a healthy ocean and vibrant economy. Sailors for the Sea is a proud and active participant at the WOS.

Last nights reception at WOS

Last night while attending the opening keynote speaker, Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, president, Republic of Iceland, spoke about fisheries, Dan was struck by President Grimsson’s comment, “The nexus between fisheries and technology is quite possibly the best hope for ocean health.”

What do you think? Tell us: Do you agree that technology can help fisheries?

Learn more how the US incorporates science and technology into fisheries management through the The Office of Science and Technology, a part of the NOAA Fisheries.