Conservation Archives - Page 8 of 9 - Sailors for the Sea

Tiller – Beach tips for Salty Dogs

Tiller, Sailors for the Sea’s Salty Dog would like to share some tips for environmentally friendly dog behavior while at the beach this summer. Respect Leash Laws – Tiller is an advocate of this one because it helps ensure that dog-friendly beaches can stay that way. Give Birds a Break – particularly important in spring and summer … Read more

Marine Spatial Planning

Marine spatial planning is an important topic right now. An executive order has highlighted the importance of planning how we will use our oceans and great lakes as a resource. This means a regions waters will be analyzed for current and anticipated uses such as wind farms, fishing, drilling etc. The country has been divided … Read more


Sailors for the Sea is proud to share the news that Velocitek has chosen to support Sailors for the Sea with a contribution as part of their commitment to 1% for the Planet. Velocitek has been a member of the environmental organization 1% for the Planet since 2006. 1% for the Planet is a coalition of businesses financially … Read more

Happy Earth Day!

Today marks the 42nd anniversary of Earth Day. As boaters, we tend to prefer the water, and the goods news is that it makes up 70% of the Earth’s surface.  Marine life and vital coastal habitats are straining under the increasing pressure of global use. The ocean, which was once considered inexhaustible and resilient, is, … Read more

What to do with all that shrink wrap?

Spring has sprung here in New England, and while there is still a chill in the water that keeps most of us on land for another month, many are getting their boats ready for the first day on the water! With this in mind we wanted to share the the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation … Read more

Conservation Activity at America’s Cup World Series in Naples

Gaiola Underwater Park

Racing begins today at the America’s Cup World Series in Naples, Italy. (Click here to watch racing) Sailors for the Sea program lead, Annie Brett is in Naples working with the America’s Cup to implement the Clean Regattas best practices. On Monday, she participated in the conservation activity at the America’s Cup World Series in Naples, which … Read more

Global Partnership for Oceans

Sailors for the Sea has joined an alliance of nonprofits, governments and private sector interests under the umbrella of the World Bank Global Partnership for Oceans. Together, Sailors for the Sea will join in a collaborative effort to address the threats to a clean and healthy ocean. As a group, we will be addressing protection … Read more

River Herring

River herring migrating upstream. Photo credit: Tim & Doug Watts This month’s Ocean Watch Essay on, River Herring and their role in coastal and marine ecosystems, comes from the Pew Environment Group. Special thanks to the Pew Charitable Trust for the contribution to Sailors for the Sea’s Ocean Watch Essays.     River herring getting a lift over … Read more

The debate on disposable water bottles

Like so many other environmental issues, conflicting facts and opinions can be confusing when it comes to disposable water bottles. But ultimately, eliminating plastic water bottle use is one of the easiest and most positive things you can do as a sailor to protect the ocean. There are many lifecycle analyses of the overall impact … Read more

Notes from the World Oceans Summit

A few quick notes from Dan Pingaro, executive director of Sailors for the Sea, while attending The Economist Magazine World Oceans Summit. The Economist Magazine World Ocean Summit brought together NGO’s, companies and governments to address ocean issues and possible collaborative solutions to support a healthy ocean and vibrant economy. Sailors for the Sea is a … Read more