The Economist - World Oceans Summit - Sailors for the Sea

The Economist – World Oceans Summit

 February 15, 2012  | By: Oceana

Sailors for the Sea exectuive director, Dan Pingaro, will be speaking at the upcoming The Economist’s World Oceans Summit in Singapore. The summit will examine how the increasing activity in and around the oceans can be managed sustainably and what this means for business and other key stakeholders.

Dan Pingaro will speak on a panel about Corporate responsibility: Taking custodianship of the oceans.

The panel will discuss: Why have so few companies set goals in an around the responsible use of the oceans, or adopted oceans goals in their sustainability programmes? By contrast, there is barely a Fortune 500 company that hasn’t yet set goals around climate change, carbon footprints and sustainability in a broader context. Sustainability, indeed, is moving out of the realms of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and reputational risk into the boardroom: it is fast becoming a strategic focus for improving growth and adding value. Oceans, too, require this focus—a sustainability agenda that is both good for the oceans and good for business.

Stay tuned for information about from this important summit and discussion, with a post to come from Dan while in Singapore!