ISAF new rule on Environmental Responsibility - Sailors for the Sea

ISAF new rule on Environmental Responsibility

 January 10, 2013  | By: Oceana

Happy new quadrennium! For the racing sailor this marks a new set of rules – small tweaks and changes to continue evolving the racing sector of our sport.

This year ISAF debuted a new Basic Principal (the first to be added since sportsmanship) focused on environmental responsibility. The principal states:

ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY Participants are encouraged to minimize any adverse environmental impact of the sport of sailing. 

We are very excited for this ground breaking change in the rule book, and excited to continue growing our ocean conservation programs in 2013. We would like to encourage competitors to take a look at our Clean Regattas program and see what they can do to reduce their environmental impact while on the water. Many of these changes are easy, can help save money, and improve the beauty of the water you love to race on!
Also if you have gotten your new edition of the racing rules of sailing – take a look on the second to last page for our ad! (Also pictured above.) If you have not gotten your new rule book, head over to US Sailing to get one today. Also a big thanks to Onne van der Wal for the beautiful image!