Education Archives - Sailors for the Sea

The Ocean Project

The Ocean Project

The Ocean Project’s mission is to help zoos, aquariums, museums, and other types of conservation-minded organizations become more effective at motivating their visitors and members to act as responsible stewards of our ocean planet around the world.



IEMANYA OCEANICA is a nonprofit organization consisting of an international organization of scientists, educators and environmentalists committed to protecting marine life, especially sharks and rays, while addressing the socio-economic repercussions of conservation within the communities that depend on marine resources.

The Cousteau Foundation

Cousteau Foundation

The Cousteau Foundation is committed to educating people to understand, to love and to protect the water systems of the planet, marine and fresh water, for the well-being of future generations.

Coral Reef Alliance

Coral Reef Alliance

Coral Reef Alliance works exclusively to unite communities to protect our planet’s coral reefs. By providing tools, education, and inspiration to residents of coral reef destinations to support local projects that benefit both reefs and people.