Reports Archives - Sailors for the Sea

Pew Oceans Commission

Pew Oceans Comission

Pew Oceans Commission members in June 2000, embarked on a national review of ocean policies. For two and a half years, the commissioners traveled, speaking to thousands of citizens who live and work along the coasts, and worked with dozens of leading scientists to publish a series of reports on pollution, coastal development, marine reserves, … Read more

National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan

National Ocean Policy

National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan translates President Obama’s National Policy for the Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes into on-the-ground actions to benefit the American people. The National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan describes specific actions Federal agencies will take to address key ocean challenges, give states and communities greater input in … Read more

The Joint Ocean Commission Initiative

Joint Ocean Commission Initiative

The Joint Ocean Commission Initiative follows up the Pew Report with consistent information and research on the state of the oceans and efforts to improve them.