Tiller - Beach tips for Salty Dogs - Sailors for the Sea

Tiller – Beach tips for Salty Dogs

 June 6, 2012  | By: Oceana

Tiller, Sailors for the Sea’s Salty Dog would like to share some tips for environmentally friendly dog behavior while at the beach this summer.

Respect Leash Laws – Tiller is an advocate of this one because it helps ensure that dog-friendly beaches can stay that way.

Give Birds a Break – particularly important in spring and summer for mating and nesting season.

Steer Clear of Wildlife – this can cause trouble for your dog and vice versa, so it is just better to be peaceful and distant with all sea life that finds it’s way to shore. Tiller notes eating a beached jellyfish can really hurt your tummy.

Keep Off the (Dune) Grass – coastal dunes provide storm-damage protection to inland areas and are extremely vulnerable to trampling by both feet and paws. Tiller also avoids this place to avoid ticks.

Scoop the Poop – not just courtesy, dog waste can cause some nasty infections in humans, and adds to bacteria count that forces beaches to close down. Tiller says, let the humans do their job!

Tiller, enjoying his freedom on a beach with no leash laws.

Now that you know the dos and don’ts of dogs at the seashore find a dog friendly beach. Do you have a salty dog who wants to help support ocean conservation, and be featured on our blog? Learn how your canine friends can join the ranks with Tiller. Thanks to our friends from the Massachusetts office of Coastal Zone Management for this important information, and check out the full post for more information.