What to do with all that shrink wrap? - Sailors for the Sea

What to do with all that shrink wrap?

 April 18, 2012  | By: Oceana

Spring has sprung here in New England, and while there is still a chill in the water that keeps most of us on land for another month, many are getting their boats ready for the first day on the water!

With this in mind we wanted to share the the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation and the Rhode Island Marine Trades Association (RIMTA) instructions for proper recycling of Marine Shrink Wrap.

RITMA notes:”This effort was started by RIMTA was one of the first in the Country to begin a recycling program for shrink-wrap. This Program has saved RIMTA member marinas, thousands of dollars in landfill tipping fees as well as saving the environment for the future generations. Since the inception over 500,000 pounds of shrink-wrap was recycled.”

The instructions pictured below, should be helpful for any state. However each states program is slightly different. The easiest way to find your is to google your state and marine shrink wrap recycling. Many of these programs are often run through NOAA. If you are having trouble find a resource in your state comment below and we will do our best to help! Another great pamphlet about recycling shrink is available online from Ohio State Sea Grant (PDF).

Also worth noting – a reusable cover can be another great way to protect your boat, and can save money over time.