Want a healthy ocean? - Sailors for the Sea

Want a healthy ocean?

 May 26, 2015  | By: Oceana

Life can be a paradox. Which is why when it comes to restoring ocean health, our highest aim is to live low. A low carbon lifestyle, that is.

By taking the Sailors for the Sea, No Trash. No Trail. No Trace. (NT3 Pledge), you are saying, “Yes! I’m going to reduce my carbon footprint and stop the ocean’s number one environmental threat—ocean acidification*.”

Did you know that when you reduce the amount of plastic you buy, you also reduce your carbon footprint? Instantly. That’s because plastic is made from petroleum. And when plastic is manufactured, carbon dioxide emissions are created and released. Where do up to 50% of those emissions end up? Our ocean.

So by simply choosing not to buy single-use water bottles or choosing glass storage containers for leftovers (instead of disposable or single-use plastic) you reduce your carbon footprint.

If 10% of American boaters stopped using single-use plastic water bottles for one year, that would reduce our carbon footprint as much as planting 500,000 trees.

Each action is a step toward stopping ocean acidification. So see ya later single-use plastic water bottles and disposable plastic food storage! Hello long-lasting, super gorgeous glass or stainless steel alternatives!

Has all this talk about ocean acidification got you feeling low? As in how cool is it to live a low carbon lifestyle?  Perfect. Let’s all get lower. And always aim higher!

What are you waiting for? Take the NT3 pledge today to learn how to leave No Trash, No Trail, No Trace and protect the ocean!

P.S. When you avoid single use plastic bottles or plastic, you get a bonus. Less trash that ends up in the ocean!

*Ocean acidification is often called climate change’s evil twin. Because the ocean absorbs up to 50% of all excess carbon dioxide emissions (such as those created from the manufacture of plastic, petroleum based cleaners and coal and gas emissions) the ocean’s chemistry is changing. The result? Coral reefs are dying and the skeletons of sea creatures aren’t forming like they used to. This could lead to the end of seafood as we know it—20% of our world’s food supply. (Not to mention the beauty lost from the disappearance of coral reefs, the world’s underwater rainforests.)