The Atlantic Cup - Sailors for the Sea

The Atlantic Cup

 May 2, 2014  | By: Oceana

The Atlantic Cup presented by 11th Hour Racing is the longest ocean in race in the United States with 920 miles of ocean racing – from Charleston, SC to Newport, RI – by way of New York City. Since it’s inception in 2010 race organizers have participated in our Clean Regattas program, creating an exceptional standard for sustainable sailing events.

Last year race organizers were the only event outside of the America’s Cup to be certified at the Platinum Level, and this year they are planning to repeat this impressive achievement. With 62 different points of sustainability, The Atlantic Cup will be looking at many different details in their sustainability plan. Some interesting highlights that have come up during the planning process have included; 
  • Can ballast water carry invasive species from port to port? (Happy to report the water is dumped each tack and will not be a problem)
  • Not altering Rule 55 to allow for sail bands
  • Tracking their entire carbon footprint in order to properly offset their carbon footprint
  • and Biodiesel is easily put into all competitors engines
We are looking forward to partnering with The Atlantic Cup for the fourth year in a row and traveling to all of their events this month! Check out their full schedule for details about events in all three cities!
Stay tuned for blog posts from all three cities as we share The Atlantic Cup’s sustainability story!