Clean Regattas Ambassador - Sailors for the Sea

Clean Regattas Ambassador

 July 29, 2014  | By: Oceana

Last week our west coast ambassador shared the message of Sailors for the Sea and why we should protect the ocean with her peers during the US Junior Women’s Singlehanded Championship in San Diego! D’amy became interested in ocean conservation after participating in a semester-at-sea program aboard a tall ship with the Sea Education Association. During her time aboard the ship, she did research with net tows and in every single tow found tiny bits of plastic.

sailors at the US Junior women's singlehanded championship
Sailors at the US Junior Women’s Singlehanded Championship with the banner D’amy created about ocean health issues!

In her own words D’amy shares her experience at the regatta:

“The 2014 US Junior Women’s Singlehanded Championship, hosted by Mission Bay Yacht Club in San Diego, CA, was a Clean Regatta.  It was my first opportunity as the West Coast Ambassador to promote Sailors for the Sea and spread our message.  I presented a short PowerPoint to the coaches, race officials, and 33 sailors.  We took a group photo with the Sailors for the Sea banner created to promote plastic reduction and encourage sailors to get involved in ocean conservation.  My message was simple: pick up three pieces of trash every day; use reusable water bottles, and encourage your friends to do the same.  If I inspired even ten sailors to act and they inspire ten more people, then my first Clean Regatta will have been a great success!  One sailor = BIG difference!  See you on the water!”  ~ D’amy Steward

D'amy Steward laser
D’amy with her laser and her Sailors for the Sea gear!

We are lucky to have many passionate volunteers like D’amy, who will travel to regattas this summer with her laser, representing Sailors for the Sea while also competing. If you are interested in being a Clean Regatta Ambassador, please contact us