Gangut Regatta - Sailors for the Sea

Gangut Regatta

 August 4, 2014  | By: Oceana

The Gangut Regatta is a combination of friendship, competition and an effort to draw attention to the active preservation of nature in the Baltic Sea. The regatta is arranged by the Sailing Training Association Finland (STAF) together with the participating cities Kotka, Hanko and Turku, located on the southern side of the country.

Over 500 participants gathered to race boats of all shapes and sizes, including three masted schooners! Additionally, thousands of spectators lined the shore to watch the boats sail by. 

With this many spectators, race organizers knew trash management would be an important aspect of the having a Clean Regatta. This included having a local football team help with clean up after the event, and introducing technology that kept trash away from the ocean so it could be swept up by road cleaners. 
Other Clean Regattas best practices implemented included: 
  • water only wash downs
  • water bottle reduction
  • environmental education
  • paperless communicaitons

We are proud to award the Gangut Regatta Kotka a bronze level certification and congratulate them on their environmental efforts!