Regatta report - Sailors for the Sea

Regatta report

 August 30, 2013  | By: Oceana

Tim was joined by Geoff Becker, Gordon Borges, John Mollicone, and Dan Rabin. The team worked hard to win this big regatta while ensuring that they took steps to reduce their environmental impact.

Report from team member Dan Rabin

We’ve been doing our normal routine of following the Clean Regatta Best Practices on our boat. We refill our reusable water bottles every day, and minimize the use of our outboard motor. An added bonus is that our rental house is the most environment friendly home I have ever been in. It is equipped with solar panels for clean energy, and there are three different waste bins for segmenting trecycling, trash and compost. Ireland is certainly environmentally aware – people bring their own bags to the grocery store and in fact, if you need plastic bags there is a surcharge.

When I sailed in the Pan American games in Mexico a few years ago I remember the tragic sight of the dock every day. There were mountains of plastic bottles on the docks. Howth Yacht Club is at the other end of the spectrum. The club has giant recycling bins and the grounds are spotless!
To view the full regatta result, click here