Staff Archives - Sailors for the Sea

Emily Conklin

Emily is a marine biologist with a focus on science communication and environmental education. Originally hailing from Connecticut, Emily earned a bachelor’s degree in Biology and French Studies at Wheaton College MA before returning to her hometown to teach biology at Suffield Academy. She then enrolled in the Three Seas Master’s program through Northeastern University, … Read more

Jennifer Brett

A water lover from the beginning, Jennifer grew up in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and some of her earliest memories involve long days spent at the beach. Since then she has become a scuba diver and sailor and loves to explore the shore, tide pools and coral reefs whenever she can. In 2008, Jennifer and her … Read more

Shelley M. Brown Ph.D.

Shelley M. Brown

Shelley is a native Rhode Islander who has spent a lifetime sailing with family from Bar Harbor, ME to Long Island, NY. She has a doctoral degree from the University of Rhode Island with a focus on microbial ecology in coastal marine environments. Prior to becoming the Director of Sailors for the Sea, she was … Read more