Adam Riley - Sailors for the Sea

Adam Riley

“I believe all sailors are naturalists at heart, and think it’s an obligation for those of us to lucky enough to enjoy this sport to take Emerson’s advice, to define success not just by winning Regattas, but by leaving the world better than we found it. It’s more important than ever for those of us who are able, to step up and make a difference.”

Adam grew up spending his summers as a youth and young adult at Piers Park Sailing Center on Boston Harbor, where he learned to sail, became an instructor, and developed a love for racing. In recent years, he’s become a US Sailing Certified Race Official, and currently serves as PPSC’s Director of Racing and as chair of several fundraising regattas. He hopes to use the skills and networking of the Skippers program to give back to the environment the same way he’s able to give back to community sailing centers.


Piers Park Sailing Center