Barb Trailer - Sailors for the Sea

Barb Trailer

Barb spent her 20’s and 30’s sailing from Alaska to Nova Scotia annually – always on the move, on everything from a 100-foot wooden schooner to an 88-foot ketch and 160-foot power boat. As a chef before widespread recycling was available, planning and managing your environmental footprint was essential to the operations of the boat, as well as to maintaining respect and health of small communities with even fewer resources to process trash and plastic. This experience provided a deep awareness that we need to change the way we think about the environment, and our part in it.

For the past 12 years, Barb has been the Director of the Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival and has led the community and the festival to run greener events. Getting certified through the Greener Festival assessor program out of Falmouth UK prepared her well for joining Sailors for the Sea. 2023 is the festival’s first year a a Clean Regatta, and Barb is very proud to be one step from achieving platinum right out of the gate! Barb is excited to join the Sailors for the Sea program as a Skipper and look forward to introducing our work to the local boating community.


The Wooden Boat Festival, Northwest Maritime Center