Emily Conklin, Author at Sailors for the Sea

Emily Conklin

Welcoming the IWSA: WingFoil Racing Joins the Clean Class Initiative

The Clean Class Initiative is growing beyond solely boat-based classes with our newest addition. The International WingSports Association (IWSA) officially joins Sailors for the Sea as a Clean Class today, committing to sustainability in their WingFoil Racing World Tour. We are excited to see the Initiative include newer classes, demonstrating that all recreators have the … Read more

International Optimist Dinghy Association Becomes Newest Clean Class  

Sailors for the Sea is delighted to welcome the International Optimist Dinghy Association (IODA) as our newest member of the Clean Class Initiative. As a class dedicated to nurturing the next generation of sailors, the Optimist class is committed to environmental stewardship. As a Sailors for the Sea Clean Class, IODA reaffirms its dedication to … Read more

Skipper’s Corner: Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival

The Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival is the largest wooden boat festival in North America, focused on providing access for families to get on the water, the beauty of wooden boats, and the richness of the local maritime culture. 2024 was the second year the Festival participated in the Clean Regattas program, and we were … Read more

Skipper’s Corner: Catching Up on Cruising

Moored at sunset on ICW

Earlier this year, we shared an introduction to our Skipper Damon Gannon’s Thriving on the ICW, a how-to guide for cruising the Intracoastal Waterway, an inland route along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the United States. Damon and his wife Janet cruised the ICW, among other areas, for a year and are … Read more

Skipper’s Corner: Meet Catherine Ardagh

Sailors for the Sea Skipper Cat Ardagh

We would like to introduce one of our newest Sailors for the Sea Skipper volunteers – Catherine Ardagh. Cat is a sailboat charter and delivery captain based in the British Virgin Islands. We recently caught up with Cat to learn more about her start in sailing and what turned her into a champion for ocean … Read more

Swap, Don’t Toss: How Chicago CYC Promotes Sustainable Sailing

Disposing of old or unused boating gear can be tricky. We all have items we’ve outgrown, are duplicates, or don’t fit our purpose anymore. Whenever possible, those things should be rehomed rather than thrown away. Our Skipper volunteer Ben Stern, based in Chicago, IL, worked with Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club (CCYC) to organize a gear … Read more

International 29er Class Joins the Clean Class Initiative

Sailors for the Sea is thrilled to welcome the International 29er Class to our recently launched Clean Class Initiative. Since their European Championships in 2022, the 29er Class has demonstrated a commitment to sustainability and communicating our mission with their members. As a Clean Class, the 29ers will work with us to run all their … Read more

Taking Clean Regattas Harbor-wide

Sailors for the Sea Skipper Rob Howie opens the second annual sustainability workshop in Marblehead, Massachusetts. With six yacht clubs and over 50 summer racing events, Marblehead Harbor is an exciting spot to sail and provides plenty of opportunities for sailors to make a difference for our oceans. Sailors for the Sea Skipper Rob Howie … Read more

Going for Platinum: 5 Notable Clean Regattas in 2022

Every year, we are impressed and delighted by the regattas that return and the new events that join our Clean Regattas program. We had an unprecedented number of events register for Platinum, our highest level, in 2022. At the time of writing, 17 events have certified at the Platinum Level! These regattas are taking the … Read more

Platinum Clean Regatta: Marblehead Junior Race Week

We are excited when any sailor charts their course towards sustainable events, but it is particularly rewarding when the next generation of ocean stewards takes the lead. This is exactly the case with Pleon Yacht Club’s Marblehead Junior Race Week (MJRW), which took place July 25-27, 2022. For the second year in a row, this … Read more