Page 16 – Sailors for the Sea

Meet Our Caribbean Representative

Renata Goodridge

About Renata Renata grew up on the waters of Lake Ontario, Canada, and has lived in Barbados since 1987, spending her career and personal life working in and for the waters of the Caribbean. She has an MS in Marine Resources and Environmental Management from the University of the West Indies, where she also currently … Read more

Newport Bans the Bag

plastic bags

Sailors rejoice! Newport, RI has become the second municipality in the state of Rhode Island to approve a ban on single-use check out bags. This critical movement to protect our coastline and waterways from being littered with this ubiquitous trash source is great news for sailors. Boats can be easily damaged when thru-hulls get clogged … Read more

Beat the Microbead


Have you ever wondered what those tiny little beads are in your face wash, body soaps and toothpaste? They are likely tiny plastic particles called microbeads that are added to personal care products to help exfoliate your skin and clean your teeth. And microplastic ingredients aren’t just in your soaps, they can also be found … Read more

World Whale Day


As a part of Grenada Sailing Week, our Education Director, Shelley and our Sustainability Director, Robyn traveled to the island and taught local Grenadian children about marine science. We packed up some KELP (Kids Environmental Lesson Plans) kits and visited Grace Lutheran, Grenada Montessori and the Secret Harbour Yacht Club to educate students about what … Read more

Three Clean Regattas

Robyn, our Sustainability Director, was lucky enough to spend the end of January escaping cold New England to attend three Clean Regattas in south Florida. All of the events – Quantum Key West Race Week, The Conch Republic Cup, and the Sailing World Cup Miami – she’s highlighted three simple changes made at these regattas … Read more

Going South?

charter boat

It’s that time of year when folks are heading south to escape the frigid, winter weather. Maybe you’re planning to charter down in the Caribbean. But before the wind hits your hair, the sun touches your skin and you indulge in a fruity cocktail, here are a few easy steps you can take to ensure … Read more

The Year in Photos


While many have called 2016 one of the worst years ever, we’re proud to say it was very productive here at Sailors for the Sea. Our empowering marine conservation programs were utilized in 36 countries and 29 states thanks to the generous support of our donors. Here’s a look back at some of the highlights … Read more

Discover the Deep Sea


Which means there are so many mysteries left to unfold, especially in the deep sea. As you dive deeper and deeper into the ocean, light fades into darkness, the water temperature drops close to freezing and the pressure greatly increases. Yet, so much life exists in the depths. Scientists may not fully understand all of … Read more

Our OBR, Will’s Farewell


William Harnisch is Sailors for the Sea’s Onboard Reporter for the Sea Education Association (SEA) S-270 class. He’s been sailing on the tall ship SSV Robert C. Seamans in the Southern Pacific offshore New Zealand since mid-November. Here is Will’s final words about his adventure: There are very few words that can encapsulate the experience … Read more

Welcome Aboard 2016

damy steward

On December 6th, 2016 Sailors for the Sea held their third Welcome Aboard Gala, hosted by Stephen & Wendy Lash and David & Susan Rockefeller. 225 sailors, donors and ocean enthusiasts attended the bi-annual event, hosted by Christie’s in Rockefeller Plaza. Guests enjoyed signature cocktails provided by Zacapa and Perrier, and marveled at Aurora Robson’s … Read more