Page 33 – Sailors for the Sea

Visit to NEAQ

Sailors for the Sea at an event

Yesterday, Sailors for the Sea staff traveled to the New England Aquarium in Boston for their World Oceans Day celebration! Hundreds of families visited, learning the importance of ocean conservation through hands on activities. Sailors for the Sea staff taught kids and parents about sustainable seafood using two of our Rainy Day Kits, The Deadliest Catch … Read more

Sailors for the Sea in Portugal!

Draeger Foundation Sustainable Oceans

This week our Chief Executive Officer Daniel Pingaro and Chairman, David Rockefeller, Jr. are in Cascais, Portugal for The Draeger Foundation‘s 3rd conference on ‘Sustainable Oceans: Reconciling Economic Use and Protection.’ The focus of the 2013 conference is on good governance for sustainable marine development. H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco provided opening remarks for the … Read more

How does your state rank?

The Marine Conservation Institute and Mission Blue just released a ranking of costal states based on the amount of Marine Protected Areas (MPA’s) that have designated no take zones. The study entitled Sea States: How Well Does Your State Protect Your Coastal Waters? looks at the percentage of “no take” waters per state. Marine Protected areas … Read more

Safe & Green – Memorial Day Weekend!

Non toxic cleaning product symbol

The crew here at Sailors for the Sea is very excited for Memorial Day Weekend – and like many people in the country excited to be near the water and aboard a boat! This weekend our staff will be attending two exciting Clean Regattas, The Atlantic Cup and Figawi Race Weekend! At both events race … Read more

Living on the Edge


The evening celebrated The Atlantic Cup, a two-time gold level Clean Regatta and the first carbon neutral sailing race in the United States. David noted, in his opening remarks: “Of course, sailors are natural supporters of the environment. That’s why we do it, that’s what we love, but we’re not always aware of the problems under the hull, … Read more

Northeast Regional Planning Body

Bill Black Class 40 Photo

The Northeast Regional Planning Body (a group working on National Ocean Policy in New England) will be holding public meetings for feedback on the draft regional ocean planning goals and associated potential actions. These meetings are for stakeholders and users of New England waterways. (Sailors & Boaters this is you!) These meetings will also be an … Read more

Clean Regattas reach Mexico!

Homemade Trash Cans

This spring, the first Clean Regatta in Mexico was held at the Vallarta Yacht Club! The 8th edition of the WesMex International Small Boat Regatta achieved bronze level certification. Regatta organizers implemented a few simple changes that helped them run a more environmentally friendly regatta. This included: Increasing trash & recycling bins around the facilities. Encouraged participants … Read more

Trash removal in Naples

Naples Beach

As The Official Partner Clean Regattas partner of the 34th America’s Cup, we have worked closely with race organizers to build sustainability and ocean conservation Best Management Practices into every aspect of their operations. In Naples, long before the first teams arrived, the local organizing committee was already running beach cleanups at the Naples waterfront. … Read more

Antigua Sailing Week!

The Environmental Awareness Group

This weekend kicks off Antigua Sailing Week! This year race organizers have teamed up with a local organization, The Environmental Awareness Group of Antigua & Barbuda to help them run Clean Regattas. The event organizers are aiming for Bronze Level Clean Regatta certification by implementing 6 of our Clean Regattas Best Practices. This includes: Water Bottle Reduction … Read more

Earth Day

Blue Ocean Thumbnail

Today marks the 43rd Earth Day and this year the focus is: Face of Climate Change. Since 71% of the earth is covered by the ocean – let’s take a quick look at what climate change is doing to our oceans. Ocean Acidification Did you know the ocean absorbs a lot carbon dioxide? In fact the … Read more