Page 38 – Sailors for the Sea

Clean Regattas at the America’s Cup

Water Jugs

Speed on! Photo by ACEA/Gilles Martin-Raget The America’s Cup World Series in San Francisco continued the strong legacy of Clean Regattas with the 34th America’s Cup, striving for a gold level certification and presenting innovative techniques for reducing the events carbon footprint. In addition to many of the Best Practices they have implemented in the … Read more

Composting – how to separate

Once you have figured out where to take your compost (see our first composting blog) you will need to figure out how to separate the compost and how to encourage others to do so. Here are a few tips to keep the compost out of the trash.  Figure out what kind of waste your compost … Read more

ACWS San Francisco in Photos

Puma Bins

The 2012-2013 America’s Cup World Series is happening in San Francisco this week from Tuesday, August 21st – Sunday, August 26th. The America’s Cup Village is located at Marina Green and is open from 10am through 6pm each day. Click here, for the full schedule of events through out the week. Here are some tips to … Read more

Water Chestnuts Everywhere (but not the kind you eat)

Water Chestnuts

The August Sailors for the Sea Ocean Watch Essay was contributed by Chris Mancini is the Executive Director of Groundwork Somerville. Over the course of the summer volunteers from Groundworks Somerville and the Mystic River Watershed Association worked to minimize the growth of an invasive species, Water Chestnuts. In one morning alone the volunteers removed 16,120 pounds of … Read more

ACHOP Beach Clean Up

Marina Clean up

Yesterday the America’s Cup Healthy Oceans Project hosted a beach clean up with The Marine Mammal Center. The clean up was held at the Horseshoe Cove Beach at Fort Baker in Sausalito, CA. Approximately 100 people attended including staff of local NGO’s, America’s Cup Sailors, the America’s Cup Event Authority, and volunteers. Check out the pictures … Read more

Ocean Health Index

Ocean Health Index still

The Ocean Health Index from Ocean Health Index on Vimeo. The Ocean Health Index is a new, comprehensive measure of the ocean’s overall condition – one that treats people and nature as integrated parts of a healthy system. The index has been created to sustainably manage our relationship with Earth’s greatest resource. The Ocean Health … Read more

Shark Week: Take a bite into Ocean Conservation

As avid shark week watchers at Sailors for the Sea, we wanted to share some of our favorite sharks and also raise awareness about the overfishing of sharks. Sailors for the Sea has a featured Ocean Watch Essay, Saving Sharks One Fin at a Time. This essay explains how some sharks need our help by discussing the value … Read more

Is there Red Tide at the Beach?

In certain conditions, red seaweed can collect on Newport, Rhode Island’s Easton’s Beach. Whether it’s due to cloudy skies or poor surf conditions, there are a variety of reasons why you might cancel your beach day. But have you ever avoided the beach because of seaweed? For decades, residents and visitors in Newport, Rhode Island, have dealt … Read more

Lemonade for Ocean Conservation!

Eliza and her friend Nicole worked the lemonade stand in the rain to raise money for ocean conservation! Sailors for the Sea is excited to feature one of our youngest supporters, Eliza Hancock from Marblehead, Mass. An avid sailor at Pleon Yacht Club, Eliza was assigned a school project that required her to learn more about a global issue … Read more

Pays to be hydrated?

Which do you think cost more? A post from our intern, Jennifer Chamberlin. This blog was inspired by the cost of a 16.9 oz. water bottle. You can purchase water in many different sizes and quantities but at my second job the store sells 16.9 oz. bottles. I have been amazed as to how many … Read more