How to Hide in the Ocean
A fun game teaching students how fish and other ocean creatures camouflage into their surroundings.
A fun game teaching students how fish and other ocean creatures camouflage into their surroundings.
Students create various types of plankton with craft materials and race them in a large container of water. Slowest plankton wins!
Learn about the anatomy of coral and the symbiotic relationship between corals and zooxanthellae by building an edible coral polyp.
Students illustrate the effects of the land use in a watershed by simulating development of their own riverfront property.
A tag inspired game that demonstrates how plastics and the chemicals in plastics are biomagnified to reach our dinner plates.
A game of freeze tag that gives an understanding of the interaction of oyster reefs and toxic waste (pollution) in the water.
An activity that plays with light at different depths of the ocean and discusses adaptations organisms have made for different light conditions.
A fun scavenger hunt that gives students understanding of what can be found on beaches, beach ecology and the role of manmade objects.