A Sea Change: Imagine a World Without Fish - Sailors for the Sea

A Sea Change: Imagine a World Without Fish

 June 30, 2009  | By: Oceana

A Sea Change

A Sea Change is a feature length documentary produced by Niijii Films that premiered on March 14, 2009 at the Environmental Film Festival, Washington, D.C. to a full house – it was the first time in the festival’s history that every seat and all standing room was taken during a screening.

This poignant film tackles the probability of a world without fish should humans continue to act and behave environmentally as we have for the past century.

According to scientists, such as Dr. Richard Feely of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), this catastrophe will play out in coming generations unless widespread awareness is raised about ocean acidification, its causes, and how to slow or stop it. A Sea Change explores the ecological, cultural, and economic effects of this alarming phenomenon. It is the first documentary to focus public attention on this impending but little-known crisis – the side effect of carbon dioxide emissions. Public concern about the warming of our atmosphere is widespread, while the other half of the global equation – the fate of our oceans and their falling pH – remains virtually unknown in the public domain. This film broadens the discussion about the dramatic changes in the chemistry of the oceans, and conveys the urgent threat those changes pose to our survival.

By raising awareness about this important issue, viewers are moved to understand the consequences of inaction, and to consider the wide range of practical steps that individuals, corporations and the government can take to help address this phenomenon.

The audience learns about ocean acidification as the on-camera guide embarks on a journey to revisit the communities of his childhood including Norway, Alaska and Seattle. Along the way, he meets scientists, activists, entrepreneurs and politicians, all working to research ocean acidification and to take steps to address it.

With its multigenerational and international storylines, coupled with an educational outreach plan and curriculum component, A Sea Change reaches broad audiences. The accompanying outreach supported in part by Sailors for the Sea will further address the chemistry and biology of ocean acidification, encourage young people to consider careers in science, and provide specific examples of activities that people can do to make a difference in reducing their personal carbon footprint.

Learn more about the film and view the trailer at www.aseachange.net.