Sailors for the Sea Celebrates 20 Years of Protecting Our Oceans - Sailors for the Sea

Sailors for the Sea Celebrates 20 Years of Protecting Our Oceans

 August 28, 2024  | By: Jennifer Brett

This year, Sailors for the Sea Powered by Oceana is celebrating 20 years of educating and activating sailors and boaters on ocean conservation through our Clean Regattas, Green Boating and Kids Environmental Lesson Plans programs. Join us as we take a look back at some notable events from our history!


It Started with an Idea…

In May 2003, the Pew Oceans Commission released a report about the state of our oceans, and it wasn’t pretty. Overfishing, pollution, and habitat destruction were threatening the seas. When the commission ended, member David Rockefeller, Jr. knew one thing – as a sailor, he had to help. “One of the biggest issues I saw was other sailors and boaters – an amazingly talented and civic-minded group – were not yet activated on behalf of the oceans we love,” he said.


Ned Cabot, David Treadway and David Rockefeller, Jr.

The Birth of Sailors for the Sea

On the heels of the work he did with the Pew Oceans Commission, David Rockefeller, Jr. co-founded Sailors for the Sea along with his friend, Dr. David Treadway, another avid sailor.


First Clean Regattas

The Northeast Harbor Sailing School in Maine hosted the first ever Clean Regatta in the summer of 2006: the Northeast Junior Olympics. Since then, the Northeast Harbor Fleet has continued their commitment to the program, achieving Platinum in 2022.


Clean Regattas Expands to Caribbean

In 2008, the BVI Spring Regatta became the Caribbean’s first Clean Regatta, and in 2012 became the first Clean Regatta outside of the US to achieve Gold level certification.


Move to Newport, Rhode Island

Originally based in Boston, Massachusetts, Sailors for the Sea made the move to the City by the Sea – Newport, RI – in 2009, and has been there ever since! Newport is known as the sailing capital of the U.S., and has been the ideal location for developing our programs.


Ocean Watch in San Francisco
Ocean Watch in San Francisco

Around the Americas Expedition

Sailors for the Sea sponsored the Around the Americas Expedition, a 28,000-mile clockwise circumnavigation of the North and South American continents. The 64-foot sailboat, Ocean Watch, made the journey in 13 months and made 46 stopovers, highlighting the changes to our oceans and coastal communities along the way.


First Global Affiliate: Sailors for the Sea Japan

Sailors for the Sea Japan, our first international affiliate, formed in 2011 to educate and engage the public on issues related to ocean health. In September 2013 Sailors for the Sea Japan published the Blue Seafood Guide, the first ever sustainable seafood guide in Japan.


Launch of Rainy Day Kits

Now known as our Kids Environmental Lesson Plans, or KELP, the Rainy Day Kits were originally developed for youth sailing programs as a way to teach the students about marine life and ocean conservation.


First Platinum Clean Regatta

The 34th America’s Cup hosted in San Francisco, California earned the first ever Platinum Level Clean Regattas certification in 2013. Sailors for the Sea worked closely with the America’s Cup Event Authority to develop an extensive sustainability plan that included developing strong community partnerships, diverting waste from the landfill, offsetting carbon emissions, and eliminating single-use plastics.  


Launch of Ocean Watch

Named for the Around the Americas expedition vessel, Ocean Watch was launched in 2014 as a series of monthly articles and an annual magazine that focused on making marine science topics and ocean health issues personal and relevant for our audience.


Sailors for the Sea Portugal

Launched in Cascais, Portugal in June 2014, Sailors for the Sea Portugal was founded by a group of sailors who were part of the local organizing committee for the 2011 America’s Cup World Series in Cascais.


First Green Boating Guide Released

In 2016, Sailors for the Sea expanded sustainability resources beyond regatta participants and launched the popular Green Boating Guide. Filled with information and tips to make your time on the water more ocean friendly, the Green Boating Guide has since been downloaded more than 120,000 times.


Sailors for the Sea Joins Forces with Oceana

2018 marked a milestone for Sailors for the Sea when the organization joined forces with Oceana, the world’s largest international conservation organization focused solely on protecting and restoring the world’s oceans.

“Our board, staff and all of us are so pleased to be joining Oceana’s team, “said Sailors for the Sea co-founder David Rockefeller, Jr. â€śThis will strengthen our ability to help sailors and power boaters make a difference in saving the oceans they depend on.”


Launch of Green Boater Initiative

Soon after joining Oceana, we launched our Green Boater program as a way for sailors and boaters to have their voices heard on critical ocean health policy issues — and it’s been a huge success! Our Green Boaters have signed petitions and sent emails to elected officials more than 226,000 times!


Launch of Skipper Volunteer Program

During the pandemic, we launched the Skippers program as a way to stay engaged with the sailing community. Our Skipper roster has grown to 20 individuals representing the US, Canada, Caribbean, Europe and Australia who are passionate about ocean conservation and can promote our programs and campaigns at their organizations.


Celebrating 15 Years of Clean Regattas

Clean Regattas is the world’s leading sustainability certification for all water-based events. Between 2006 and 2021, more than 2,800 events and 750,000 sailors have helped protect our oceans and waterways by participating in Clean Regattas. 


Thistles Become First Clean Class

After a successful pilot run, the Thistle Class became our first Clean Class. The Clean Class initiative recognizes entire classes of boats, using the Clean Regattas framework to move sustainability efforts beyond individual events to class-level operations.


KELP Growth and Rebranding

Our KELP program now comprises more than 20 instructional videos and 50 downloadable lesson plans that have reached more than 450,000 children since the program’s launch in 2012. In 2024, introduced KELP items in our online store, and gave the program its own logo and mascot: Otto the Otter!


Record Number of Platinum Level Clean Regattas

This year has been a huge milestone for Sailors for the Sea growth as we are on track to certify more than 500 Clean Regattas including 40 achieving Platinum Level.


Our Impact and Looking Ahead

As we celebrate our accomplishments, we are looking forward to what’s next. Join us and help ensure a healthy, thriving ocean for generations to come.