Ocean Watch Essays Archive - Page 6 of 10 - Sailors for the Sea

The Bay of All Beauties

Christ on Corcovado

“Talk not of Bahia de Todos los Santos – the Bay of all Saints; for though that be a glorious haven, yet Rio is the Bay of all Rivers – the Bay of all Delights – the Bay of all Beauties. From circumjacent hill-sides, untiring summer hangs perpetually in terraces of vivid verdure; and embossed … Read more

Bristol Bay salmon

Bristol Bay net boats

In much of the contiguous United States, thriving wild salmon fisheries are a thing of yesteryear. Driven to depletion by river dams, water diversion, and other forms of habitat degradation, many salmon runs that once fed families, provided recreation, and supported commercial fishing economies are no longer able to do so. Bristol Bay, Alaska is … Read more


A humpback whale breaching.

The sea is slate-colored, smooth as asphalt.  The wind isn’t howling, but speaking in a firm voice—a day like so many in the blue latitudes, perfect and unending.  I’m on deck, barely awake—as I slowly take in the sense that my horizon is suddenly changing shape. A humpback whale bursts through the surface like a … Read more

Boating with Manatees

Florida Manatee

Living in harmony with the natural environment is a challenge in Florida, which has undergone more growth in human population and infrastructure than most other regions of the United States. For several decades this growth has impacted indigenous plant and animal life through habitat loss or alteration, decreased water quality, increases in airborne pollutants, and … Read more

MPAs! Conservation Meets Recreation

Dry Tortugas

When near shore or in port, we all want to be in a beautiful place with ample underwater resources to be explored. Swimming, scuba diving, snorkeling, and fishing are activities that everyone enjoys when at anchor. But enjoying these aquatic pursuits is increasingly at risk because the oceans are changing, and not for the better. … Read more

Plastic Pollution and its Solution

Gyre sample with microplastics

Here is the real story:  There is no island of trash (it’s more of a trashy soup), and the solution is to stop our trash – mostly made of plastic – from getting to the middle of the ocean. Solving the problems of marine debris and plastic pollution is a perfect example of the need … Read more

A Chance to Reboot the Gulf

Fish congregate around High Island Platform 389

Even as flaming natural gas lights the night skies off Louisiana, the stage is being set to heal the Gulf and make sure it can continue to meet the countries energy demands and function as the healthy and productive ecosystem we all depend on and hope sustain for the future. We are not there yet … Read more

When a FAD Should Not Become a Trend

Bigeye Tuna with a FAD

What is a FAD? A fish aggregating device is an artificial object anchored or drifting in the open ocean which are attractive to fish. Anchored FADs are stationary, providing fishermen a consistent, known location to collect fish. Drifting FADs float with the current, collecting fish as they move across the ocean. These devices are constructed … Read more

What is a Marine Protected Area Anyway?

Giant Clam in the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument

For sailors it is hard to imagine not being able to enjoy the wonders of the open expanse of the world’s ocean, which encompasses some of the most beautiful places on earth. But today the ocean is facing many threats, including pollution, overfishing, destructive fishing practices, climate change, and ocean acidification. Thankfully some of the areas … Read more

Alternative Energy in the Sailing World

Security Light Solar Panel

Solar powered security light at the America’s Cup World Series. It may seem silly to talk about renewable energy in the sailing world – aren’t sailboats powered by the wind after all? But look a little more closely, and for each sailboat on the water, there are a slew of energy consuming generators, outboards and … Read more