Ocean Watch Essays Archive - Page 5 of 10 - Sailors for the Sea

NASA Global Precipitation Measurement Mission

Earth from space

Even more intriguing is the fact that the water we drink was most likely created during the explosions of huge stars billions of years ago. Next time you take a sip of water, remind yourself that the very substance you are sipping on was created in space long before even Earth was around. Kind of … Read more

Nutrients That Feed Red Tide

Florida red tide

The “food” sources for Florida red tides are more diverse and complex than previously realized, according to five years’ research on red tide and nutrients published as a special issue of the journal Harmful Algae. The project was funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s ECOHAB program* and involved seven institutions. The researchers studied … Read more

Building on Borrowed Time

Narrow River

Rhode Island is the second most densely populated state, and its 420 miles of coastline are crowded with homes and businesses, residents and tourists. The increasing rate of erosion and sea level rise, and the effects of coastal storms and flooding, are making the state’s coastal landscape ever smaller. For those who think that engineering solutions will hold back the … Read more

The Ocean’s Future

How Global Warming Changes our Favorite Places

The boating community exists in the boundary where land meets water, and today that boundary’s location is changing due to the impacts of global warming. Whether you hope to watch a future America’s Cup in (potentially) San Francisco where the backup of seawater into the sewage systems is a reoccurring problem, or racing in Miami, … Read more

You scratched my seagrass!

Starfish crawl across the shallow bottom of a Cape Cod bay in Massachusetts.

Those who sail come to know the ocean intimately; buoyed by its beauty and the rich life it nourishes, but also saddened by damage from pollution, over-exploitation, climate change or other problems. Are there things boaters can do to lessen such problems and improve ocean health? What is the current status of the ocean’s health, … Read more

Sustainable Seafood

Eat Sustainable Eat Local

A sea of choices Many of us flock to the coasts during the summer to enjoy swimming, boating, fishing, a break from the heat and delicious seafood. In today’s globalized world, even those of us who live far from the coast have access to a plethora of seafood choices in our local restaurants and grocery … Read more

Unlocking the Ocean

ARGUS data in Baltimore Harbor

The marine and coastal zones of the world host a growing number of overlapping and at times competing uses and activities. The commercial, recreational, cultural, energy, scientific, conservation, security, and other interests of these users drive our ocean priorities. These include the protection of life and property, securing renewable energy resources, developing and sustaining ocean … Read more

Citizen Science for Cruisers


The Indigo V Expeditions team deploy a Niskin bottle that captures a sample of seawater during the proof-of-concept study. Planning an open ocean cruise? If so, you are the key to helping us better understand the health of the world’s oceans!   Oceans cover 71% of our planet and play a critical role in regulating the … Read more

Saildrone: Monitoring the ocean

Saildrone in Hawaii

Saildrone: an autonomous sailboat with some of the same technologies that made the 34th America’s Cup so exciting.  Saildrone combines some of the oldest principles on the planet, those of a sailing boat, with some of the most advanced hardware and software available today. At the forefront of sailing technology, saildrone is a “state-of-the-art carbon … Read more

Smart Ocean Planning

rhode island

Living in Newport, Rhode Island, sailing has been a favorite activity with family and friends since my youth, now my husband and I have the pleasure of owning and sailing Osprey, pictured above.  As a child, when I wasn’t sailing I was at the beach collecting crabs and snails. Ultimately this led to my becoming … Read more