Conservation Archives - Page 6 of 9 - Sailors for the Sea

Seabirds getting hooked

Cormorant hooked by fishing line

A hooked cormorant on the dock in Ft. Lauderdale. Photo by Mark Ivey Spotted on the dock in Ft. Lauderdale a cormorant that got hooked by his potential meal. It looks like the cormorant was a victim of either a baited fishing line being cut free or longline fishing. Sadly longline fishing kill an estimated 300,000 … Read more

ISAF new rule on Environmental Responsibility

Happy new quadrennium! For the racing sailor this marks a new set of rules – small tweaks and changes to continue evolving the racing sector of our sport. This year ISAF debuted a new Basic Principal (the first to be added since sportsmanship) focused on environmental responsibility. The principal states: ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY Participants are encouraged to minimize any … Read more

10 Highlights from 2012

With 2012 coming to a close, we want to thank our fans and followers for your support, and share a few highlights from our ocean conservation programs. ONE:Sailors for the Sea programs reached 27 states & 13 Countries in  2012. TWO:80% of all contributions go directly to marine conservation programming according to a third party … Read more

Global Analysis of Mariculture Production

A recently published study from the University of British Columbia Fisheries Centre and the Sea Around Us Project analyzes trends in aquaculture since the 1950’s and notes that aquaculture is one of the fastest growing global food animal production industries. This trend is only predicted to grow as wild fish stocks continue to decline due to overfishing. … Read more

American Samoa protects sharks & reef fish

Bumphead Wrasse

We could not find “all sharks likely to be found in America Samoa” but here is one of our favorites, the Galapagos Shark! Giant Grouper Bumphead Parrotfish Humphead Wrasse Although we are a bit late to celebrate… we are very excited about new regulations passed in American Samoa protecting a number of marine species! The … Read more

National Ocean Policy in action

The National Ocean Policy will build on regional tools like the Northeast Ocean Portal. We’ve been attending the first meeting of the Northeast Regional Planning Body of the National Ocean Policy over the last two days. There is a lot of confusion and jargon around the National Ocean Policy and ocean planning in general, but … Read more

Marine Spatial Planning

From our friends at Rhode Island Sea Grant an excellent video highlighting the important work of marine spatial planning for our oceans and coastal waters. In Rhode Island and beyond, coastal communities are working on plans to manage the ocean’s resources to generate new industries, support job creation, and provide food and services to an … Read more

Salmon in Bristol Bay

Flounder Flats

This month’s Ocean Watch Essay comes from The Nature Conservancy in Alaska. Sailing off Flounder Flats, Nushagak Bay ca 1935. Photo by Dave Carlson, Dave and Mary Carlson Collection, Samuel K. Fox Museum. Dillingham, Alaska. Did you know that sailboats were used to fish for salmon in Alaska’s Bristol Bay until 1950. This fishery,  now in it’s … Read more

Composting – how to separate

Once you have figured out where to take your compost (see our first composting blog) you will need to figure out how to separate the compost and how to encourage others to do so. Here are a few tips to keep the compost out of the trash.  Figure out what kind of waste your compost … Read more

Water Chestnuts Everywhere (but not the kind you eat)

Water Chestnuts

The August Sailors for the Sea Ocean Watch Essay was contributed by Chris Mancini is the Executive Director of Groundwork Somerville. Over the course of the summer volunteers from Groundworks Somerville and the Mystic River Watershed Association worked to minimize the growth of an invasive species, Water Chestnuts. In one morning alone the volunteers removed 16,120 pounds of … Read more