Skippers - Sailors for the Sea


Sailors for the Sea Powered by Oceana is building a network of engaged conservation leaders in local communities through our Skipper volunteer program. The Skipper Program provides local representation of Sailors for the Sea to help mobilize the sailing and boating community to act on waterway and ocean health issues and protect marine environments worldwide. Skippers are provided with the latest information and resources on sustainable boating practices and opportunities to engage the communities they represent on critical policy issues that are needed to combat plastic pollution, oil spills, depletion of marine life, and marine habitat destruction. If you are hosting a Clean Regatta or other ocean conservation event in your area and would like to get in touch with a local Skipper, please reach out to Program Manager, Emily Conklin.

If you are a leader in your sailing community passionate about our conservation work,
we invite you to submit an application:

Apply to become a Skipper