Boating Clean Archives - Sailors for the Sea

How Does Plastic End up in the Ocean?

Plastic Free July is a global movement to bring awareness to the plastic pollution crisis we are facing. Throughout the month, we will feature common questions about plastics and plastic pollution,  as well as possible solutions and ways to get involved. The first question we are addressing this month is “how does plastic end up … Read more

Green Boating Checklist for the Weekend

Heading out for some summer fun on the water? Make your boating adventure more ocean-friendly with these five green boating tips: 1. Bring Your Reusables Skip the single-use plastics and bring along reusable water bottles, dishes, and containers. This will greatly reduce the amount of trash at the end of your trip and minimize the … Read more

Alien Invasion

invasive species

European green crabs and lionfish and water chestnuts, oh my! What do they all have in common? They are invasive species in the United States. Invasive species (also called exotic, non-native and alien) are plants and animals that invade an environment where they don’t belong. If they don’t have any natural predators in their new … Read more

5 Simple Green Boating Tips

Sailors for the Sea

After months of research, weeks of editing and days designing the perfect icons, we are proud to announce the launching of our Green Boating Guide just in time for the spring boat preparation season! In celebration of Earth Day, we are sharing our top 5 easy-to-do Green Boating Tips from our guide. 1. Save $$: … Read more

Winterizing your boat

Travel lift

It’s that time of year again…unless you are lucky enough to live in a year-round boating climate!